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Maksim Kitsak - Funding
Home Curriculum Vitae Research Publications Talks Teaching


    Mathematical Description and Inference of Complementarity Mechanisms in Complex Networks.
    PI, Delft University of Technology, Dutch Research Council (2022-2026).


    Link Prediction and Community Inference in Networks using Latent Geometry.
    co-PI, with D. Krioukov (PI, Northeastern University), $300,000, Army Research Office (2017-2020).
    Latent Structure and Dynamics of Big Data.
    Essential personnel, with D. Krioukov (PI, Northeastern University), $900,000, National Science Foundation (2017-2020).
    Latent Geometry of Random Simplicial Complexes.
    co-PI, with D. Krioukov (PI, Northeastern University), and G. Lippner (co-PI, Northeastern University), $390,000, Army Research Office (2016-2019).
    Discovering Hyperbolic Metric Spaces Hidden beneath the Internet and Other Complex Networks.
    Essential personnel, with D. Krioukov (PI, UC San Diego), National Science Foundation (2010-2016).