TU Delft Media Team wrote a fantastic cover story
for our recent work dedicated to removing reporting delays from epidemic data.
The paper is published in PNAS Nexus, Open Access DOI.
Yongdin Tian joins our team as a Ph.D. student to study decentralized aspects of Machine Learning. Welcome to our family!
Our work "Access to Emergency Services: A New York City Case Study" is now published in Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,
Open Access DOI.
Our work "Reporting delays: A widely neglected impact factor in COVID-19 forecasts" is now published in PNAS Nexus,
Open Access DOI, CODE
Our paper extending the Random Hyperbolic Graph model to arbitrary dimensionality is now published in Phys. Rev. E, "Random Hyperbolic Graphs in d + 1 dimensions", DOI, ArXiv, CODE
Congratulations to Dr. Gabriel Budel on the stellar defense of his Ph.D. dissertation!
Pinqi Guo joins our team to study topological properties of complementarity networks models. Welcome to our family!
Nature Review Physics wrote a wonderful research highlight about our work on finding shortest paths in incomplete networks.
The research highlight is here. The original article was published in
Nature Communications, Open Access DOI.
Very proud of my students Ying Jin and Gabriel Budel!
Together, they published a wonderful exploratory work on topological properties
of semantic networks in Scientific Reports , My participation in this work was very minor. Open Access DOI, DATA
Our paper titled "Finding Shortest and Nearly Shortest Paths in Large Substantially Incomplete Networks by Hyperbolic Mapping"
is now published by Nature Communications, Open Access DOI, CODE, Supplementary DATA
Elizaveta Evmenova joins our team to study complementarity principles in networks as a Ph.D. student. Elizaveta, welcome to our family!
Congratulations to Ying Jin on a stellar defense of her M.Sc. thesis with a breathtaking grade of 9.0 (out of 10.0)!
I am now officially tenured in the EEMCS faculty at TU Delft.
My proposal titled "Mathematical Description and Inference of Complementarity Mechanisms in Complex Networks"
has been selected for funding by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Tune in for new openings!
A new paper on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is now published by PLOS One, Open Access DOI.
Thrilled to join the board of the Dutch Network Science Society!
Good news in the end of the year! Together with Sergio Pequito we received seed funding to develop Privacy and Security theory for incomplete dynamic networks.
Many thanks to the TU Delft Safety and Security Institute!
My work titled Link Prediction with Hyperbolic Geometry is now published by the Physical Reviews Research, Open Access DOI, CODE.
Congratulations to Ivan Voitalov for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis! I had a pleasure to co-supervise Ivan for 5 years at the DK-lab.
I am starting a new chapter of my life as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at TU Delft !